Office Team
Executive Officer, Dr Rod Watts | 027 520 8601
Part time, oversees the operations of the Presbytery; encourages strategic initiatives and supports new initiatives and developments.
Minister Enabler, Tokerau Joseph | 027 371 4733
Youth Co-ordinator & Intercultural Facilitator, Masele Bakulich -Tufeao | 021 022 65886
Helping Churches to be more intercultural & Support youth leaders, promote and help resource youth and young adult ministry.
Administrator, Natalie Stubbs | 09 522 2170
Full time, manages the office, communications from the presbytery office, and provides administrative support.
Congregation Review Coordinator/Church Enabler
Rev Dr Emma Keown | 021 165 5271
Full time, leads a team of volunteer facilitators to undertake congregation reviews whilst promoting collaboration among neighbouring churches. Supports churches to establish Mission Plans; works alongside churches to implement mission initiatives, and takes a lead role for fresh expressions when able to
Physical Address
111 Great South Rd
Auckland 1010
Postal Address
PO Box 9240
Auckland 1149